About Me

I’m Daisy, an ex-corporate finance employee turned wellness Guide & Mentor

My journey began with a disrupted childhood due to parental addiction, where I had to take on too much too soon…

A childhood illness forced me to become aware of the impacts food had on my body. When Western medicine couldn’t offer solutions, I explored alternative healing, and switching to a vegetarian diet healed my chronic diverticulitis. From then on, I became an informal student of all things food, health & wellness.

Fast forward 10 years and I find myself in a corporate finance role in central London. After years of long days, bad sleep, little exercise and lots of partying, the fast-paced hustle culture no longer resonated with me.

Throughout this period I continued learning about wellness on the side—nutrition, meditation, yoga, journaling, shadow work—and realised that what truly made me happy was guiding others through their own journeys of transformation.

Eventually, I stopped complaining about my unfulfilling job and did something about it. I started re-training as a Naturopathic Nutritionist

I thought this was end-game for me, I was going to be a Nutritionist and assist thousands of people in transforming their lives. Wow, was I wrong and was a new door about to open!

As soon as I started my clinical observation experience I saw a reoccurring pattern in EVERY CLIENT, it would go something like this:

  • “I was perfectly healthy until my mum passed away”

  • “It all started when I lost my job”

  • “My symptoms only appear when I am stressed”

  • “Everything was fine until the accident”

Without knowing it, clients would tell me what was wrong with them, and it had NOTHING to do with food.

It became clear to me that their emotional responses to stress or trauma were deeply impacting their health, habits, and beliefs. Reflecting on my own experiences, I realised my childhood illness had also been linked to emotional stress and a dysregulated nervous system.

With this knowledge, I knew I needed to go deeper in my work to provide a more sustainable development journey for my clients, deciding to qualify in Neo Emotional Release therapy.

Today, I use my own unique method, Resistance Release, to help clients release emotional, mental and energetic resistance so they can escape dissatisfaction, build lives they love, and reclaim their freedom. By guiding them through a journey of identifying, feeling, and processing the resistances holding them back, clients are able to move from stuck, overwhelmed and dissatisfied, to clear, empowered and taking aligned action to create lasting change in their lives.

This work is beneficial for anyone seeking growth and transformation in their life. It’s especially helpful for those looking to:

  • Address unprocessed trauma

  • Find clarity and a sense of life purpose

  • Improve emotional well-being and self-awareness

  • Break free from behavioral patterns that no longer serve them

  • Understand and transform emotional triggers

  • Navigate challenging relationship dynamics

  • Alleviate physical symptoms of dis-ease

Whether you’re at a crossroads or simply wanting to enhance your life, this holistic approach can support your journey toward healing and self-discovery.

Who is this work right for?

About the Work

What is Resistance Release?

Resistance Release blends several techniques for a holistic experience, including bodywork, breathwork, hypnosis, energy work, verbal guidance, parts work, vocal activation, embodiment, somatics, EMDR, affirmations, precise touch, quantum healing, and subconscious visualisation and reprogramming.

In 1:1 sessions, you’ll be invited to lie comfortably and guided through a grounding meditation to ease into a deeply relaxed and receptive state. As you connect with your inner world, we’ll explore the sensations and feelings that arise. Together, we’ll gently track these sensations, fostering a reconnection with your body’s innate wisdom. This process allows repressed and trapped emotions to surface, creating space for transformation and alignment.

For true health, Life Force energy (also known as Qi or Prana) needs to flow freely through the body.

When we go through trauma, distress, or chronic stress, the body contracts, creating resistance and therefore blockages in this energy flow. If the resistance is not processed, the Life Force becomes stagnant, leading to "dis-ease"—a lack of ease in energy flow. This can show up as physical symptoms like chronic pain or fatigue, or in life as toxic relationships, self-sabotage, low self-worth, or lack of purpose.

Consider a river. When the water is flowing quickly with no interruptions, it is clear and pure. If you put a large boulder in the stream and block the flow, the water moves slowly or stops. It becomes stagnant, cloudy, debris begins to build and an environment is created where algae and bacteria can thrive. This is what happens in the physical, mental and emotional realms when the flow of Life Force is blocked.

In our sessions, we’ll connect deeply with your body’s innate intelligence to identify where these resistances are and the emotions/beliefs/patterns behind them. We’ll explore what needed to be expressed at the time the blockage was created, but wasn’t—whether due to a lack of safety to authentically express, or a lack of tools to do so.

By processing and releasing resistances through empathic witnessing and authentic expression, the resistances begin to dissolve, allowing Life Force to flow freely again. As your body returns to balance, its natural self-healing mechanisms are activated.

As a result, many people have experienced profound changes. These can include relief from physical symptoms like chronic pain or fatigue, improved mental and emotional well-being, greater clarity of purpose, and a deeper connection with themselves. Relationships may improve, self-worth and resilience can grow, and there’s often a stronger ability to navigate life’s emotional challenges. People have also reported feeling more creative, aligned with their true path, and able to move forward in life with a clearer sense of direction and fulfilment. The work can truly transform how you experience yourself and the world around you.

How does Resistance Release work?